Wednesday, November 17, 2010

let me transfer my success to you real quick...

so there's this thing called eye contact. and sometimes it's just so hard to keep. 
it kind of goes along with how you avoid talking to someone by pulling out your cell phone...
when someone's walking past you, regardless of whether you know them or not, you look down. you'll look up right before you pass if you know them and smile or say hi, but otherwise you both look down just so you can avoid one thing: eye contact
why is it so intimidating to just look someone in the eyes? 
in the movie baby mama, steve martin's character at one point says to tina fey's character, "congratulations. i want to reward you with five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact". 

just the thought of that makes me cringe. your eyes can tell so much about what you're thinking that i feel really exposed when i hold eye contact for a long time. anyways. eye contact makes me laugh sometimes and that's all i wanted to share. 


  1. What a tender topic. I just love thinking about eye contact and all the marvelous moments it preciously provides me. It's such a delightful day when I'm able to see my best buds and just look em straight in the eye and tell them, "Hey faithful friend forever!" Such a great post EJ :)

  2. So is that what happened today outside the tanner? You didn't pull out your cell phone, you must've just looked down. Luckly I called your name out! :)

  3. I love staring into your beautiful eyes though ...... but really I love this hahah its so true and I hate it.

  4. i like eyes. i like contact. whats the problem here Lner?
